“…like a waking dream, Erhebung seems to swim between abstraction and sweaty physicality.”
Luke Jennings on Erhebung- The Observer
“…Erhebung is a quietly bold work: introspective and poetic, it makes its own rather unique mark on the landscape of modern Indian dance.”
Lise Smith on Erhebung –
“What we got was a duet (Fumi Kaneko and Sander Blommaert – both excellent) which joined the Indian and ballet traditions, not as some fusion but seeming to flip easily between idioms in showing her as the all-powerful one who wakes him up, manipulating, nudging and surrounding him. What we see is not corrupting power but strong supportive and loving power… My goodness, I can’t wait to see more of Boonham’s work with such dancers.
Bruce Marriot on Vāc II – Dance Tabs
“…Vāc II, the boldest of the new works, was created by associate choreographer Mayuri Boonham, who trained in the classical Indian form Bharata Natyam. With imposing stage presence, Fumi Kaneko curls into stark poses, holding one arm curved with splayed hands. There are touches of classical Indian style in the set and tilt of her head. Sander Blommaert waits in a sitting balance, until Kaneko pulls him out of himself. Boonham creates vivid contrasts between taut, airy steps and grounded moves, pressing into the floor…”
Zoe Anderson on Vāc II – The Independent
“…Boonham’s contrasting double bill demonstrates how capably she applies a contemporary kinetic intelligence to her background in bharatanatyam… ATMA is a company worth clocking”
Donald Hutera on Sivaloka & Ghatam – Pulse
“…haunting, beautifully nuanced and compelling…this company is promising that rare thing – the creation of a new dance vocabulary”.
Chris Fogg – former Director of Take Art!
“Taken together, the two works demonstrate that contemporary South Asian dance in Britain is in a healthy place right now”
Lise Smith on Sivaloka & Ghatam –
“Children in the audience were quite enraptured by Boonham’s enchanting portrayal of Vishnu.”
Pulse Magazine review
“The number of eager volunteers arriving on stage to help with [the boat-building] illustrates the engaging nature of the show.”
Pulse Magazine review
“Thank you so much for sucha fantastic show, it was lovely and the story really held their attention.”
Parent (Poole Park)